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PorColombia, University of Florida Branch


• Lead general body meetings
• Promote club events through tabling and social media
• Brainstorm event and activity ideas

BLUE Missions Service Trip


Firme de Castillo, Dominican Republic

 BLUE Missions is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing clean running water and proper sanitation systems to underprivileged communities. They focus on "Building Love, Uniting Everyone," and through volunteering, I did the same.

We dug trenches and connected pipes to the aquifer. On Women's Empowerment Day, we conducted a seminar for the women, reminding them of their power to instigate change despite living within a patriarchal town.

I am forever grateful to both the community and BLUE Missions for accepting me with open arms, and in the process, reaffirming to me the importance of culture, teamwork, and family.

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